Jun 18, 2020
DPD to hire 3,500 drivers amid online shopping boom
DPD The delivery firm DPD is hiring thousands more staff to help meet the surge in demand for goods bought online. DPD boss Dwain McDonald described the lockdown period as the "Biggest boom in online retailing" the UK had ever seen. The lockdown brought many people to online shopping for the first time, according to Helen Norman, editor of the industry publication Postal and Parcel Technology International. Steve says the company he works for paid drivers an extra £18 a day at the start of lockdown, to cover the extra workload. Now his pay has returned to the pre-crisis rate, but "The volume of parcels and deliveries are still up," he said. The firm predicts the level of online orders will decrease as countries reopen High Street stores, but there will be 20% more online shopping deliveries this year than in 2019.
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