Mar 3, 2022

Former Nissan executive convicted over Carlos Ghosn pay case

A former Nissan executive Greg Kelly has been found guilty of assisting the Japanese car giant's ex-CEO Carlos Ghosn to evade pay disclosure laws. The court in Tokyo heard that Mr Kelly had helped Mr Ghosn hide part of 9.3 billion yen of his income from financial regulators. Mr Kelly's sentencing brings to an end the first, and potentially only, trial over the charges that saw Mr Ghosn's arrest in 2018.The court also fined Nissan 200 million yen for failing to disclose Mr Ghosn's pay. In the end Mr Kelly was convicted of just one count of misreporting financial information, for one year, 2018.The judges rejected the prosecutors' case that Mr Kelly was involved in a much larger conspiracy to hide around $80m of remuneration to former Nissan CEO Carlos Ghosn, going all the way back to 2010.The cases against Mr Kelly and Carlos Ghosn have been hugely controversial and have shone an unwelcome light on Japan's judicial system, in particular its system of detaining and interrogating suspects for long periods without charge and without an attorney present. Before Mr Ghosn's escape from Japan he was expected to be a co-defendant alongside Mr Kelly.

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