Mar 9, 2022

Unilever chief executive’s pay jumps 42 per cent

Unilever handed chief executive Alan Jope a 42 per cent pay rise last year to almost £5mn after the company exceeded growth targets, partly because of price rises on its products made in response to inflation. The growth figure, which beat a company target of 3.5 per cent, was driven by higher prices: pricing contributed growth of 2.9 per cent at the maker of Magnum ice cream, Domestos bleach and Dove soap. Jope's higher pay packet, made up of £1.5mn fixed pay and the rest bonuses, was 70 times the pay of the median Unilever UK employee, up from 55 times a year earlier. Graeme Pitkethly, chief financial officer, received a 16 per cent pay rise to £3.4mn for 2021. Unilever's share price was down 10.2 per cent to £39.46 during the year.

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