Mar 20, 2018

Cambridge Analytica: Mark Zuckerberg asked to appear before MPs

Facebook boss Mark Zuckerberg has been called on by a parliamentary committee to give evidence about the use of personal data by Cambridge Analytica. "The committee has repeatedly asked Facebook about how companies acquire and hold on to user data from their site, and in particular about whether data had been taken without their consent," he wrote. UK Information Commissioner Elizabeth Denham is investigating Cambridge Analytica over claims it used personal data to influence the US election. Facebook said Aleksandr Kogan, who created the personality app from which the data had been harvested, has agreed to be audited, but Mr Wylie - who made the claims about the way the data was gathered and used - has declined. On its website, Cambridge Analytica says it can provide data and insights to "Drive your voters to the polls and win your campaign" and says it has played a "Pivotal role" in winning US presidential races.

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