Jun 28, 2022

Royal Mail workers to vote on strike over pay

Ballot papers will be dispatched to the Communication Workers Union members, with the result on 19 July.Should workers vote in favour of industrial action, the CWU said it could amount to the biggest ever strike taken by its members this summer. CWU deputy general secretary Terry Pullinger said in a video posted on Twitter the union wanted an "Inflation-based, no-strings pay award" for its Royal Mail members. The CWU said the pay award was "Despite previous agreements that no immediate executive action would be taken over pay". CWU general-secretary Dave Ward said CWU general secretary Dave Ward said he expected members to "deliver a historic vote for action". "We offered a deal worth up to 5.5% for CWU grade colleagues, the biggest increase we have offered for many years, which was rejected by the CWU," a spokesman said.

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