Oct 20, 2022

General practice is like calling an Uber, MPs say

Patients in England are being put at risk because of the unacceptably poor service they receive from GPs, MPs say. Seeing a GP should not be like booking an Uber driver, the MPs said. Committee member Rachael Maskell said: "The important relationship between a GP and their patients is in decline."Seeing your GP should not be as random as booking an Uber with a driver you're unlikely to see again. Surveys show a sharp decline in the experience of people trying to see a GP. Alex Boys took his grandmother to an urgent care centre last month after being told it would take three weeks to see her GP. "My gran had a very simple medical complaint to do with her toes," Alex says. Amina Harun, who lives in London with her husband and two children, says her experience of using a GP practice has been "Appalling".

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