Jun 20, 2023

Post Office bosses told to repay mistaken bonuses

Post Office bosses have been asked to repay bonuses wrongly paid for completing an inquiry into a scandal that saw hundreds unfairly prosecuted. The Post Office annual report incorrectly said the inquiry chairman had approved the payments. Post Office chief executive Nick Read apologised to MPs on the Business and Trade Select Committee for the error, explaining that the inquiry was originally intended to take just four months. Members of the Post Offices' remuneration committee, which oversees bonuses, used their discretion to pay the bonuses anyway after debating "Long and hard", its former chair Lisa Harrington told MPs. She said a report from an independent law firm was enough to give them "Confidence the inquiry was being supported." Mr Jones said he felt that this was not sufficient, and called on managers to repay the entire portion of their bonuses which related to the Horizon Inquiry.

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