Oct 17, 2018

Why has Twitter banned 1500 accounts and what are NPCs?

Twitter has suspended hundreds of accounts after users on pro-Trump Reddit forum r/The Donald coordinated efforts to set up 'non-player character' profiles mocking liberals on the social networking site. The character "Is often used as a reaction image to represent feelings such as melancholy, regret or loneliness," according to Know Your Meme. When some of the accounts started tweeting false information regarding the upcoming mid-term elections, Twitter took action to suspend a number of the accounts. Liberals are angered by their mass characterisation as snowflakes, cucks or NPCs. The Trump-supporting right has proven itself adept at spreading memes online. Researchers from University College London who analysed a huge database of memes discovered the 4chan message board /pol/ and subreddit r/The Donald were particularly effective.

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